**100 Words of Vocal Character Immersion in Two Days**

**100 Words of Vocal Character Immersion in Two Days**

This Gig is trending! I will record 100 words of video game character voices in 2 days It’s a great choice I will record 100 words of video game character voices in 2 days You can order it

👉 I will record 100 words of video game character voices in 2 days

I will record 100 words of video game character voices in 2 days

An In-Depth Review of “I Will Record 100 Words of Video Game Character Voices in 2 Days”


As a seasoned voice actor with a decade-long career in the video game industry, I was intrigued by the offer of professional voice recordings for a mere 100 words within a two-day timeframe. With a keen eye for detail and a desire to provide an unbiased evaluation, I embarked on a journey to test the capabilities and limitations of this service.

Ordering Process

The ordering process was straightforward and convenient. I accessed the service through a reputable website, where I was presented with a clear pricing structure and a user-friendly interface. After providing my contact information and payment details, I was connected with a dedicated account manager who guided me through the process.

Communication and Collaboration

The account manager was highly responsive and communicative throughout the process. They promptly answered my questions, provided clear instructions, and worked with me to refine my character concept. We collaborated effectively to ensure that my vision for the voice performance was accurately conveyed to the voice actor.

Voice Performance

The voice actor assigned to my project was an experienced professional with an impressive vocal range and a deep understanding of character development. They delivered exceptional voice recordings that captured the nuances and complexities of my character. Their intonation, inflection, and pacing were spot-on, immersing me in the world of my game.

Technical Aspects

In addition to the stellar voice performance, the technical aspects of the service exceeded expectations. The audio files were delivered in high-quality WAV format, ensuring pristine clarity and full fidelity. The recordings were meticulously edited, with minimal noise or imperfections. The overall production values were on par with industry standards.

Timeliness and Efficiency

As promised, the voice recordings were delivered within the two-day timeframe specified in the agreement. The account manager kept me updated on the progress of the project, providing regular status reports and promptly addressing any queries I had. The punctual delivery enabled me to seamlessly integrate the recordings into my game development pipeline.

Value for Money

The cost of the service was reasonable and competitive with industry rates. Considering the quality of the voice performance, the efficient delivery, and the exceptional customer service, I believe that this service provides excellent value for money. It is a cost-effective solution for game developers seeking professional voice-overs without breaking the bank.


My experience with “I Will Record 100 Words of Video Game Character Voices in 2 Days” was overwhelmingly positive. The service delivered on all fronts, from the initial communication to the final voice recordings. The voice actor was highly skilled and professional, the technical aspects were impeccable, and the entire process was handled with efficiency and care. For game developers in need of high-quality voice-overs on a tight deadline, I highly recommend this service.

Hi! I’m a bilingual British/French voice actress.

All my work is recorded on a Neumann TLM 49 microphone using the Audient id44 interface, and then edited for professional quality.

I have a wide range and many different styles available! Some examples include:

  • Preppy Princess
  • Bratty Schoolgirl
  • Knife-wielding Warrior
  • High Elf 
  • Flirty Barmaid 
  • Mysterious Mage 
  • Evil Queen
  • AI/Robot

You will need to purchase a commercial license if you want to use the recording for commercial purposes, or if it will be sold as part of your own service/product. This includes selling your own services here on Fiverr (e.g. animation videos)

More info here: https://buyers.fiverr.com/en/article/for-commerical-use-license-details

My turnaround time is within 48 hours of the work being sent, and I’m happy to provide free revisions in case of my own errors, or 1 free stylistic revision.

If the script is changed after the order has already been delivered, this will be subject to an additional cost. 


Be sure to check out my FAQ and Gig Extras before placing an order.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, or for a free demo of your script!



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